New Schedule of PRC Nursing Board Exams (NLE) 2013, deadline of filing

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Board of Nursing (BoN) announces that July and December 2013 Nursing Board Exam or Nurse Licensure Examination (NLE) has been moved to earlier dates.

PRC-BON Resolution No. 2013-14 series of 2013 issued last February 15, 2013 states that the rescheduling of NLE was due to difficulty in securing appropriate examination rooms. So they had to move the nursing board exam in a schedule where there are no classes and exam rooms were readily available.

From July 6-7 (Saturday and Sunday) first batch of NLE for 2013, the commission moved dates to June 2-3 (Sunday and Monday). December 15-16 (Sunday and Monday) exam also moved to December 7-8 (Saturday and Sunday).

Here is the new schedule of PRC Nursing Board Exams (NLE) 2013 and corresponding deadline of filing:

First Batch
NLE dates: June 2 and 3, 2013
Deadline of Filing: First timers – April 19, 2013; Retakers: March 29, 2013

Second Batch
NLE dates: December 7 and 8, 2013
Deadline of Filing: First timers – October 25, 2013; Retakers: October 11, 2013

Applicants may now submit their applications thru the OnLine Application System (OAS) – from homes, offices, schools, internet cafes or computer shops - by logging-on to the PRC Website, The OnLine Application System generates the names and corresponding codes for the schools, the provinces and cities, examinations, examination sites and examination schedules.

Applicants will perform data entry for examination, personal and education information. Applicants with mobile phones or email addresses will receive a message on the receipt of their applications.

After data entry or upon receipt of the message on the successful submission of the applications, applicants may proceed to the nearest PRC Office before the deadline in filing applications for personal identification and to submit the required documents, payment of fees and the issuance of their Notices of Admission (NOA).

Copy of the resolution (moving test dates of 2013 NLE) also disseminated to the concerned offices, divisions and units of the Commission, the Commission of Higher Education (CHED), and all schools, colleges and universities offering the nursing course for their reference.