PRC postpones September and October 2013 Optometry Written and Practical board exams

The Professional Regulation Commission announces today, August 16, 2013 the postponement of the September 18-20, 2013 written examinations and the October 1-4, 2013 practical board examinations for Optometrist until further notice.

The Board of Optometry recommended the postponement of the licensure exam. “While the Board anticipates new appointments to the Professional Regulatory Board of Optometry, it has determined that there will be no sufficient time for the new members to formulate questions and prepare for the September and October 2013 licensure exams”, the Board said.

The PRC through Commission Resolution No. 776 dated August 13, 2013 cited the need for postponement due to the vacancies in the Board, leaving only two (2) members. The Board, as a collegial body, is short of the requirement for a quorum to validly perform its duties and functions, specifically in the formulation and extraction of test items, examination proper and releasing of results.

Update: New ECE, Master Plumber, Optometry and PT-OT board members take oath

Optometrist board exam is originally scheduled last July 9-11 (written exam) and July 16-19 (practical exam). PRC released a resolution on June 17 stressing the need to postpone because of vacancies in the Board of Optometry. Exam was reset to September and October.

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