PRC releases LET Results August 17, 2014 teachers board exam

PRC and Board of Professional Teachers (BPT) released official results of August 17, 2014 LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers) or known as Teachers Board Exam expected in 51 working days after the day of exam. August 2014 LET results are out on Monday, October 27, 2014.

PRC announces that 25,301 elementary teachers out of 70,786 examinees (35.74%) and 26,767 secondary teachers out of 77,803 examinees (34.40%) successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T.) given last August 17, 2014 in Hong Kong and 24 testing centers all over the Philippines. It is further announced that of the 25,301 elementary teacher passers, 21,649 are first timers and 3,652 are repeaters. For the secondary teachers, 23,820 passers are first timers and 2,947 are repeaters.

List below now updated as PRC LET exam results are out online:

The results of examination with respect to six (6) examinees were withheld pending final determination of their liabilities under the rules and regulations governing licensure examination.

Registration for the issuance of Professional Identification Card (ID) and Certificate of Registration will start on November 5, 2014. The requirements for the issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card (ID) are the following: 1) duly accomplished Oath Form or Panunumpa ng Propesyonal; 2) latest Community Tax Certificate (Cedula); 3) 1 piece passport size picture (colored with white background and complete nametag); 4) metered documentary stamp for the Oath Form; and 5) the Initial Registration Fee of P600 and Annual Registration Fee of P450 for 2014-2017. Successful examinees should PERSONALLY register and sign in the Roster of Registered Professionals.

The dates and venues for the oathtaking ceremonies of the new successful examinees in the said examination WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER, PRC said.

The Board for Professional Teachers is composed of Dr. Rosita L. Navarro, Chairman; Dr. Paz I. Lucido, Dr. Paraluman R. Giron and Dr. Nora M. Uy, Members.

The complete list of passers out of hundred thousands total examinees, top 10, top performing schools and performance of schools are all available here as published by PRC.

Coverage of Exam and Passing Rate

August 17, 2014 licensure examination for teachers (LET) consists of two (2) parts for Elementary: General Education (40%) and Professional Education (60%) and three (3) parts for Secondary: General Education (20%), Professional Education (40%) and Specialization (40%).

The test covered the major areas of GE (English, Filipino, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences subjects), PE (teaching profession, social dimensions of education, principles of teaching, education technology, curriculum development, facilitating learning, child and adolescent development, assessment of student learning, developmental reading, field study and practice teaching). The 10 specializations for Secondary Teacher with exam coverage depends on the chosen course: English, Filipino, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Social Studies or Social Sciences, Values Education, MAPEH, Agriculture and Fishery Arts and TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education.

PRC and the Board of Professional Teachers said that in order to pass August 2014 LET, an examinee must obtain an average rating of not less than 75% and must have no rating lower than 50% in any of the subjects.

Expected release date of LET Results

The probable release date of August 2014 LET exam is between October 20 and on the last week of October 2014 . The projected date excludes holidays on August 21 (Ninoy Aquino Day), National Heroes Day (August 25), Eidul Adha (October 6) and non-working days (Saturdays and Sundays).

Based from PRC Resolution No. 2013-782 with the original schedule of teachers board exam on the second half the year, target release of results is after 33 working days. PRC and BPT rescheduled Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) to give way to the centennial anniversary celebration of the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) which coincides with the July 27,2014 BLEPT.

In September 2013, results were officially released in 40 working days. PRC named 19,384 elementary teachers out of 62,160 examinees (31.18%) and 25,755 secondary teachers out of 64,792 examinees (39.75 %) who passed the exam.

In January this year, LET results became available in 32 working days. PRC announced that 11,120 elementary teachers out of 38,377 examinees (28.98%) and 12,033 secondary teachers out of 42,358 examinees (28.41%) successfully passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T.).

Teachers board exam: Quick history (2012-2014)

September 30, 2012 LET - released in 42 working days - Total Examinees: 98, 889
March 10, 2013 LET - released in 27 working days - Total Examinees: 75,550
September 29, 2013 LET - released in 40 working days - Total Examinees: 128,083
January 26, 2014 LET - released in 32 working days - Total Examinees: 80,735

Updates before the release of LET results:

August 25, 2014 Update: In announcement for the successful conduct of LET, it says: "PRC Regional Director Teofilo Gaius M. Sison, Jr. said the exam results will be released after 20 working days." More details here.

September 13, 2014 Update:  August 2014 LET Exam results out online after PRC IT Systems upgrade? Find out here.

September 22, 2014 Update: PRC says August 2014 LET Results available online in October 2014. View details here.

October 18, 2014 Update: The long-awaited LET Results for August 17, 2014 Teachers board exam are expected to be released between October 20-31, 2014 or 41-50 working days after the exam. More details here.

October 25, 2014 Update:  PRC upgrades IT Systems for August 2014 LET Results release? Details here.

October 27, 2014: Results are now out! Congratulations to all passers!

Top Performing Schools

In January 2014, none of the schools qualified for the top performing rank for elementary level. For secondary, Saint Louis University (SLU) and University of Santo Tomas got the highest passing percentage of 93.80 and 89.29% respectively.

In September 2013, University of Santo Tomas (UST) was named top performing school for Elementary Level LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers) for obtaining 100 percent passing rate (149 out 149 passed). Meanwhile, Philippine Normal University-Manila (PNU-Manila) topped Secondary level for having 89.43% passing percentage. It is followed by University of the Philippines- Diliman (UPD) with closed rating of 89.29%.

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