August 2014 LET passers registration, oathtaking schedule (PRC Baguio)

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Baguio Regional Office has announced the registration and oathtaking schedule for August 17, 2014 LET (teachers board exam) passers.

Read: August 2014 LET passers registration, verification of ratings and oathtaking schedule, venue

PRC Baguio said that registration starts on November 3, 2014 (Monday). In order to save on travel time and expenses, LET passers may transact with the Baguio Regional Office during scheduled mobile outreach, as follows:

Registration schedule PRC Baguio

The Office will process initial registration on a first come, first serve basis; no alphabetical queuing. Those who will register are required to bring the following:
  • Duly accomplished Oath Form (downloadable at Online Registration System);
  • 2014 Community Tax Certificate (cedula);
  • One (1) Documentary stamp; and
  • Payment of Initial Registration fee of P1,050.00.

Professional ID Cards (PICs) will be issued after the Oath-taking ceremonies scheduled hereunder:
  • Laoag City, Ilocos Norte - November 28 2014, 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Teatro Ilocandia, Mariano Marcos State University, Batac City.
  • Baguio City - December 3, 2014, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (First Session) 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM (Second Session) at Prince Bernhard Hall, Saint Louis University.
  • Rosales, Pangasinan - December 4, 2014, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Robert B. Estrella Sr. Memorial Stadium.
Attire: Corporate/Business Attire
Strictly no denim pants

*Oathtaking Tickets:
P300.00 Oathtaker
P200.00 Guest 

*Available at the Baguio Regional Office, Ilocos Region Satellite Office and during scheduled mobile outreach services.