PRC releases NLE Results November 2014 nursing board exam

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Board of Nursing (BoN) release official results of November 29-30, 2014 NLE(Nurse Licensure Examination) or known as Nursing Board Exam in 29 working days after the last day of exam. November 2014 NLE results - complete list of passers, top 10 (topnotchers), top performing schools and performance of schools are available on this page once officially released online.

The list below already updated as NLE Results are out online:
PRC on Friday, January 23, 2015 named a total of 15,292 out of 26,690 who have passed the Nurse Licensure Examination.

The results of examination with respect to five (5) examinees were withheld pending final determination of their liabilities under the rules and regulations governing licensure examination.

NLE was conducted  in various testing centers nationwide: Manila, Baguio City, Laoag, Angeles, Cabanatuan, Cebu, Dagupan, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Pagadian, Tacloban, Tuguegarao, Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro (CDO) and Bacolod.

PRC Baguio announced that a total of four thousand five hundred thirty-four (4,534) examinees took the exams in Baguio, Dagupan, Laoag and Cabanatuan testing centers.

The members of the Board of Nursing who gave licensure examination nationwide are Carmencita M. Abaquin, Chairman; Perla G. Po, Gloria B. Arcos, Carmelita C. Divinagracia, Carfredda P. Dumlao, Glenda S. Arquiza and Florence C. Cawaon, Members.

November 2014 NLE consists of five (5) parts namely: Nursing Practice I (Basic Foundation of Nursing and Professional Nursing Practice), Nursing Practice II (Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child), Nursing Practice III (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychological Alternations - Part A), Nursing Practice IV (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychological Alternations - Part B) and Nursing Practice V (Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychological Alternations - Part C).

The tests draw basic knowledges, skills and attitudes in the major subject areas i.e. Fundamentals of Nursing including Professional Adjustments, Maternal and Child Nursing, Community Health and Communicable Disease Nursing, Nursing of Adolescents, adults and aged and Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing.

NLE Top Performing Schools

In the recent nurse board exam (May 2014), PRC named West Visayas State University- La Paz, Cebu Normal University and Silliman University as the top performing schools per Commission Resolution No. 2010-547 series of 2010. These schools garnered 100-percent passing rate.

In December 2013, PRC list of top performing schools includes University of Saint Louis- Tuguegarao (USLT), Xavier University (XU), Mariano Marcos State University-Batac (MMSU-B), Saint Paul University-Iloilo (SPU-I), Remedios T. Romualdez Medical Foundation (RTRMF), Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM), Saint Paul University- Tuguegarao (SPU-T), Saint Mary's University (SMU) and San Pedro College-Davao City (SPC-D).

PREVIOUS UPDATES: Probable Release of November 2014 NLE Results

According to PRC Resolution No. 2013- 782 and Pursuant to Section 7 (d) of R.A. No. 8981, the target date of release of NLE results is on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Based on computation, it falls on 62 calendar days or in 38 working days after the last day of exam.

The computed number of working days excludes Saturdays, Sundays and 7 holidays namely: additional special non-working day on December 24, Christmas Day (December 25), additional special non-working day on December 26, Rizal Day (December 30), special non-working day on December 31, 2014, New Year's Day (January 1) and additional special non-working day on January 2.

Since it's not usual that PRC release results of nursing on Saturday, examinees are advised to monitor results earlier than the target date or in the following month (first week of February 2015).

PRC Board News expects that results are out online between January 26 to February 6, 2015.

Speculations and updates before the release of November 2014 NLE Results:

PRC Board News will update this page once we got reliable information from our sources. For the previous board exams, takers can expect exact release date of results by always visiting this site. It's also possible that PRC will release results on earlier date than our expected timeline if there's an improvement in the PRC system of checking of results.

December 7, 2014 1st Update: PRC Baguio said that November 2014 nursing board exam (NLE) results are out after 42 working days. Full details here.

December 15, 2014 Update: Balita said: "The dawns of the Sabbaths beyond shall just be in your hand, as He hands over the lifetime privilege of caring to those most deserving."

Some speculate that results are out within the first two weeks of January 2015.

January 1, 2015 Update: Balita on his riddle on New Year has hinted that results are coming soon.

"The new year has a special moRNing coming soon!
Who shall be prepared with the privilege to meet the ruler of the Holy See? It is within when the laborers' digits sum up as a paired palm giving high five."

January 11, 2015 Update: Balita says that NLE results may came in time for the arrival of Pope Francis in the Philippines next week.

"The arrival of the head of the Holy See MAY delay some granting of the caring privilege as earlier expected but surely shall allow more opportunities to pray and to DOUBLE the celebration from his departure when SIMILAR day to (being the soonest) or a sunset AFTER the similar day to (being the latest) his arrival becomes the day for the arrival of the 2-letter suffix upon those privileged and blessed."

January 13, 2015 Update: Balita posted "Countdown to his coming (Pope Francis)!I wish to have the privilege to see him. God bless those who believe. As he leaves, few sunrises shall usher the coming of another privilege...".

'Another privilege' means the RN suffix as NLE results will be released 'few sunrises' (few days) after the Pope leaves the Philippines on Monday, January 19. It means that November 2014 NLE results are out between January 20-23, 2015.

January 20, 2015 Update: Reports say November 2014 nursing board exam (NLE) results are out online SOON.

January 21, 2015 Update: NLE Results out VERY SOON. Congratulations to the new RNs.

January 23, Update: NLE results released TODAY! Congratulations passers.

PRC Board News will update this site immediately for the complete list of passers, top 10 and performance of schools once results are published online.

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