September 2020 PLE, QAFMP: program, room assignment, safety protocols

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Professional Regulatory Board of Medicine announced the programs and health and safety protocols for takers and exam personnel of the September 2020 Physician Licensure Examination (PLE) and Qualifying Assessment for Foreign Medical Professionals (QAFMP). See also the room assignment here once announced.

September 2020 PLE, QAFMP: program, room assignment, safety protocols

PRC recognized the urgent need for physicians during these times of public health emergency, thus the Part II of the March 2020 PLE and the QAFMP shall continue as scheduled.

The Physician board exam will be held in Manila, Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tacloban, Tuguegarao and Zamboanga cities on September 20 and 21 (Sunday and Monday).

Meanwhile, PRC will administer QAFMP in Manila on September 19 (Saturday).

September 2020 PLE, QAFMP

September 2020 PLE, QAFMP

Relative to this, the Commission and the Board primarily consider the safety and welfare of all examinees and examination personnel who will be exposed to health risks while participating in the conduct of the continuation of the said examinations, thereby recommending the following health and safety protocols:

1.Observe physical distancing of two (2) meters between examinees. Examinees shall be restricted to their assigned seat.

2. Require wearing of facemask (at least 3-ply surgical mask, preferably N95 mask) and face shield.

3. Require to bring 70% ethyl alcohol for hand disinfection.

4. Submit duly accomplished informed consent (Annex A1) and health declaration (Annex A2) forms with the Notice of Admission (NOA) to the proctor immediately. Find annexes in these links:
5. Follow Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR Testing and Quarantine Protocol.

a. Mandatory on the examinees who fall under the following groups according to Department of Health Memorandum 2020-258A or the Updated Interim Guidelines on Expanded Testing for COVID-19:
  • suspect cases; or
  • individuals with relevant history of travel and exposure (or contact), whether symptomatic or asymptomatic; and
  • health care workers with possible exposure, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic.
The following exposures should have happened two (2) days before or within 14 days from onset of symptoms of a confirmed or probable case:
  • Face-to-face contact with a confirmed case within 1 meter and for more than 15 minutes;
  • Direct physical contact with a confirmed case;
  • Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmed COVID-l9 disease without using proper personal protective equipment.
In this case, the examinee shall be required to submit the results of his/her RT-PCR. Only those with negative results shall be allowed to take the examination.

b. If an examinee does not fall on the above mentioned conditions, he/she (both for PLE and QA-FMP) should undergo a 14-quarantine day period wherein individuals asymptomatic for at least 14 days prior to the scheduled examination dates provided that they have had no close contact exposures to the aforementioned cases shall be allowed to take the exam in the absence of an RT-PCR test. A Certificate of Quarantine or its equivalent signed by the accredited licensed physician or duly authorized local officials should be submitted instead.

c. Examinees coming from other countries should be able to quarantine for at least 2 weeks or provide a negative RT-PCR test result.

6. Bring your own meals (preferably pre-packed meal/snack and drink) to be eaten during breaks, while being in their assigned seats.

a. Windows will be opened to improve ventilation during breaks.

Note: Facemasks will only be removed when taking meals or drinks.

7. No talking and loitering in the hallways or in the examination room.


9. Decreasing the queuing time at the entrance gate:

a. Queuing will be staggered as indicated in the NOA.

b. Examinees will be given time slot to queue in front of the gate (indicated in the NOA).
  • Batch 1= 6:00 - 6:35 am
  • Batch 2= 6:30 - 7:00 am
Examinees will be instructed to proceed to the room assignment after screening at the entrance gate.
As soon as the exam is finished, examinees will be instructed to leave the premises through the designated exit gate.


1. Foot bath with 10% Chlorine solution.

2. Temperature scan

a. Examinee with temperature of less than or equal to 37.5 degrees Celsius (≤37.5◦C) will be allowed entrance into the testing venue.

b. Examinee with temperature of more than 37.5 degrees Celsius (>37.5◦C) will be referred to the Floor Supervisor who shall refer the concerned examinee to an onsite medical doctor for assessment. Examinee will not be allowed to take the rest of the PLE.

3. Seventy percent (70%) isopropyl or ethyl alcohol rub shall be used for hand disinfection.

4. Hand soap or 70% ethyl or isopropyl alcohol shall be provided in all comfort rooms.

5. Proper observance of social distancing (at least two meters).

6. Thorough cleaning and disinfection of the venue prior and after the examination.

7. During breaks, examinees will be restricted to their assigned seat and windows will be opened for proper ventilation.


PRC advised examinees to check and verify school and room assignments at the PRC Official website or through the announcements to be posted at the PRC premises 2-3 working days before the date of examination.

In the July 14 virtual discussion with the House of Representatives, PRBOM said they were studying the specific sites of the examinees of postponed March 2020 PLE.

"What we wanted at this time is for the examinees to write down their intention where they are going to take their exam. NCR is 1,236 examinees for the second part of the exam. We were thinking that for these examinees, we may be able to transfer them to get their exam on their sites [regional]. They are supposed to express it out until July 31," Dr. Clarita C. MaaƱo of the PRC Board of Medicine said.


Check out full details of Resolution No. 17 here. These include the general instructions and reminders.

For further queries and concerns, you may email Licensure Division at and
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