PRC releases March 2013 LET Board Exam Program, Results and Updates

March 10, 2013 - Thousands of future teachers took the licensure examination known as LET (Teachers Board Exam) as part of the professional practice in the Philippines. After 27 days, PRC announced results of March 2013 LET- Elementary and Secondary.

10,310 pass March 2013 LET- Elementary Level
15,223 pass LET March 2013 - Secondary Level (A-N)
15,223 pass LET March 2013 - Secondary Level (O-Z)
UP grad tops March 2013 LET - Elementary Level
PLM grad tops March 2013 LET - Secondary Level

Talisay City College, UPD top March 2013 LET
PRC Registration, Oathtaking Schedule March 2013 LET Passers
PRC Verification of Ratings (VoR) March 2013 LET Passers

Note: Above items will be updated once PRC announced updates or we got some informative details for March 2013 LET.

[ Update: Public is advised that PRC is Upgrading its IT Systems until the end of April 2013 to bring  much improved and efficient service. ]

Program for March 2013 Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET)
Here is the program for March 2013 LET as  announced by BPT:

For Elementary Teacher Examinees Only
6:30 am - 7:45 am General Instructions/Filling up of Forms
8:00 am - 1:30 pm General Education (GE) and Professional Education (PE)

Note the GE is weighted 40% while PE is 60%.

For Secondary Teacher Examinees Only
6:30 am - 7:45 am  General Instructions/Filling up of Forms
8:00 am - 1:30 pm  General Education and Professional Education
2:30 pm - 6:00 pm  Specialization

Note that GE is 20%, PE is 40% and Specialization is 40% on weight.

Coverage of the Exam for General Education includes English, Filipino, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences. On the other hand, PE for Elementary and Secondary has the following coverage: teaching profession, social dimensions of education, principles of teaching, education tech, curriculum development, facilitating learning, child and adolescent development, assessment of student learning, developmental reading, field study and practice teaching.

PRC said that to pass March 2013 LET, an examinee must obtain an average rating of not less than 75% and must have no rating lower than 50%  in any of the test.

View the complete notice on LET exam program here.

Separate Test Booklet for PE and GE
Before the month-end of January, PRC announced that separate test booklets will be used for the General Education (GE) and Professional Education (PE) subjects for both elementary and secondary levels in the March 10, 2013 Board Licensure Examination for professional teachers and for the succeeding board examinations.

Announcement is made after the agreement on January 23, 2013 meeting of Professional Regulation Commission and Board for Professional Teachers.

New Members of the Board for Professional Teacher (BPT)
Aside from the changes on test booklet, there were also new members of BPT. On the same month, Dr. Rosita L. Navarro and Dr. Paz I. Lucido, who were recently appointed new members of the Board for Professional Teachers, formally took their oath before the Professional Regulation Commission.

Dr. Rosita L. Navarro, who replaced Dr. Faith M. Bachiller as chairperson of the board, was the sixth president and former chief academic officer of Centro Escolar University in Manila. She was conferred the Outstanding Professional Teacher by the Professional Regulation Commission and is currently the Dean Emeritus of Graduate School of CEU and the Chairman of Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA).

Dr. Paz I. Lucido, on the other hand, received citations and awards from CEU and UST recognizing her contributions to research and lectures which focused on principles of teaching and instructional technology, the teacher education curricula and other futuristic subjects that relate teacher education to the technologies of learning in the 21st century.

More Updates Coming Soon
PRC Board will update this post as we analyze and give you the important news related to March 2013 Professional Teachers Board Exam.

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